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VAN Resource Center

Content to Build Your Best Buy Center.

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Case Studies

Peer To Peer Private Acquisition Insights


Buy Center Strategies From The VAN Team

Buy Center Success

Buy Center Success

Expert insights from Darrell Steed and Clayton Dorris on enhancing vehicle acquisition strategies for dealerships. It discusses operational excellence, pricing strategies, and building strong industry relationships to improve sustainability and growth within the competitive vehicle market.

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Accelerating The Waterfall Effect

Accelerating The Waterfall Effect

In today's bustling auto dealership world, we've noticed something: many overlook the magic of private party acquisition. Think of it as that secret ingredient to strengthen customer ties, boost loyalty, and spur growth. If you're curious about getting ahead in this game, our eBook has got you covered. Dive in, and let's journey together to outsmart the competition.

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Five Process Principles

Five Process Principles

Over the last decade, we have worked with hundreds of dealerships and identified five process principles to help dealers acquire vehicles from private party sellers.

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Summer Success Guidebook

VAN's Summer Camp Guidebook is your ultimate resource for unlocking the full potential of your car dealership during the summer season and throughout the year. Download it today to empower your buy-center team, achieve exceptional results, exceed customer expectations, and seamlessly acquire used vehicles from private sellers.

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Overcoming Objections

Overcoming Objections

This edition focuses on how to build a simple series of pillars your team can lean on to help them communicate and collaborate better with private vehicle sellers.

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What Is Your Buying Philosophy?

What Is Your Buying Philosophy?

In this issue, we will be sharing Vehicle Acquisition Network's insights and expertise along with "Ed's Takes" on how dealerships can increase net profit and see growth through street purchase strategies.

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Starting Your Buy Center? Start Here.

How much does VAN cost?
How is VAN different from KBB ICO?
How is VAN different from VINCUE?
Does VAN integrate with my existing tools?
What is needed from a staffing and resource perspective to operate your Vehicle Acquisition Software successfully?
What kind of support and resources can I expect from VAN after I sign up?
Can you do motorcycles, boats, RVs, power sports, etc?

Buy Center Content to Drive Acquisitions

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